This last month has been busy as far as new developments have gone. Jacob is now reaching for and holding objects (rattles, small toys, burp cloths, etc) He reaches for everything in sight! He also developed object permanence which means he realizes that we have left. This caused him to start waking up again in the middle of the night. Luckily, our pediatrician had warned us this would happen so we were ready for it! We took that opportunity to unswaddle him at night and do a little "sleep training" with him. It took 3 days but he is back to sleeping through the night now -- unswaddled!
But probably the most exciting new development this last month has been laughing. He doesn't do it often but we happened to catch his first time on video! It is adorable. We can't wait until he laughs more often.
Since I am writing late I will tell you a little bit about what we have been doing since he turned 4 months. This will probably be repeated in the next email (sorry!) We have started him on rice cereal. Just tastes for now. He had his first taste on Friday and spit it all back out. We then gave him a bottle of rice milk last night which he spit up the entire bottle. I believe he just drank it too fast though. We will be giving him some sweet potatoes soon as well, I have already made some to freeze. We were given the go ahead to try both rice and oat cereal, as well as fruits and veggies. We plan to take it very slow though. He still will be receiving all of his calories from me, just having tastes here and there to prepare him for meals at about 6 months. We are excited!