Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I went in for pants

Now that the weather is cooler, we realized that we don't have pants for the boys. None of Jacob's jeans or other pants from last year fit him. Which left us with two pairs of pants he could wear. Jordan has a few more than that. So off I went to Once Upon a Child today for pants.....

See? I got pants. Five pairs of jeans, two pairs of khakis, and one pair of blue pants for Jake. Two pairs of jeans for Jordan.


10 long sleeve shirts for Jacob...

5 pairs of pajamas for Jacob (3 feeties, 2 pants and shirts sets)...

4 pairs of pajamas for Jordan (3 feeties, 1 shirt and pants set -- yes, it matches Jacob's!)...

..... at least I got what I went in for, right???


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  1. Oh goodness. I need to do this also. I am so glad I am not the only Once Upon A Child addict lol

  2. Sounds like me :) At least it was at Once Upon a Child....I love that store!


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