Friday, April 13, 2012

Love {&} Gratitude 1-15

an ongoing list of things I love, things I am grateful for, and things that make me smile

  1. The smiles and laughter of my children
  2. Reading a good book
  3. A clean house
  4. Being able to breastfeed both of my boys
  5. The love of Jesus Christ, who died for me and my sins
  6. Naptime
  7. Meeting and being with like-minded people
  8. The amazing love and support I've had in my parents
  9. The amazing love and support I've had in my in-laws
  10. Having enough food, clean water, money, etc to get by comfortably when so many others do not
  11. Cloth diapers
  12. Good health
  13. Alleve Cold & Sinus
  14. My crazy dog who snuggles in bed with me and gives me a sense of security when I'm home alone
  15. My awesome boss who is so patient, understanding, and flexible with us

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Thanks for the love! I appreciate all feedback!


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