an ongoing list of things I love, things I am grateful for, and things that make me smile
- The smiles and laughter of my children
- Reading a good book
- A clean house
- Being able to breastfeed both of my boys
- The love of Jesus Christ, who died for me and my sins
- Naptime
- Meeting and being with like-minded people
- The amazing love and support I've had in my parents
- The amazing love and support I've had in my in-laws
- Having enough food, clean water, money, etc to get by comfortably when so many others do not
- Cloth diapers
- Good health
- Alleve Cold & Sinus
- My crazy dog who snuggles in bed with me and gives me a sense of security when I'm home alone
- My awesome boss who is so patient, understanding, and flexible with us
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